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 ARCHIVED TOPIC: Fishman Spider-style Resophonic pickup

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BDC1 - Posted - 08/10/2008:  20:26:53

These look interesting, I see it's what Jerry Douglas uses looks like the transducer clips right on the bridge. Anyone planning on getting one of these?


MitchC - Posted - 08/10/2008:  20:39:52

The thing about the fishman system is that it's good for live playing only. Acoustically, your reso will sound like doo-doo. It's great for JD cuz he mainly plays live... do you ? If not...

fuhgetaboutit ...

Edited by - MitchC on 08/10/2008 20:40:16

BDC1 - Posted - 08/10/2008:  20:50:42

What would you recommend Mitch?

MitchC - Posted - 08/10/2008:  21:23:24

A good mic and a great soundman !

Bjorn - Posted - 08/11/2008:  04:35:48

Mitch Regarding your answer to BDC1.

The transducer is part of a bridge - nothing you just clip on. The top of the bridge - called tusc - has been a topic at the Jerry Douglas BB.

My axe is as good-sounding as anything I've heard before, and the sustain is the best I have seen (or heard)



Beard Guitars - Posted - 08/11/2008:  06:28:47

Jerry recently commented that "Glide" was recorded acoustically in it's entirety with Fishman equipped guitars. I'd also invite you to check out Mike Auldridge's comments on YouTube of the acoustic properties of his guitars after the pickup was installed.

You can reach your own conclusions if this is the system for you.


Howard Parker
Beard Guitars, LLC

Edited by - Beard Guitars on 08/11/2008 06:29:49

MitchC - Posted - 08/11/2008:  06:37:56


Howard is right. You will need to determine whether or not the system is a best fit for you in your guitar and playing situation. Research it as much as possible, try to play it if you can etc.

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