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 ARCHIVED TOPIC: Daisey Chains...

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resotom - Posted - 11/08/2022:  09:06:18

I know there are a lot of sound effects out there with numerous combinations of how to run each one efficiently whether at home or on stage or in the studio.
Does anyone have Jerry Douglas' latest set up ?
Over the years, I have used multiple devices to enhance the sound of the resonator guitar.
For some reason, these effects will eventually give way to the latest ones coming on the market.
Let's hear from you out there on what combination of effects, if any, that you use to satisfy your reso sound. Your ear is the most safely thing to resolve this.
Many thanks for the input !

MarkinSonoma - Posted - 11/09/2022:  12:16:28

Tom, since you are on Facebook, Andy King took this photo at ResoSummit last weekend after Jerry’s Sunday workshop session. I haven't yet  figured out how to post the actual photo here.

Edited by - MarkinSonoma on 11/09/2022 12:18:21

MarkinSonoma - Posted - 11/09/2022:  12:33:17

Let's see if the photo shows up this time.

It does - click on it to enlarge. 

A buddy of mine owns the Grace Felix preamp/blender for acoustic guitar and it is a superb unit - it better be - the current price (gulp!) is $1255. 

Edited by - MarkinSonoma on 11/09/2022 12:38:18


JC Dobro - Posted - 11/11/2022:  12:53:12

Anyone know why Jerry has octave generators and pitch shifters on his resonator pedal board? Does this double as his lap steel rig?

MarkinSonoma - Posted - 11/11/2022:  14:34:37


Originally posted by JC Dobro

Anyone know why Jerry has octave generators and pitch shifters on his resonator pedal board? Does this double as his lap steel rig?

We've had a few threads featuring Jerry's  Premier Guitar magazine online Rig Rundown from three or so  years back. It was  well done and informative, and enjoyable to watch as the Douglas humor was on full display. I haven't watched it in awhile but I recall more time was spent on the lap steel than the dobro.

 Link below.

Edited by - MarkinSonoma on 11/11/2022 14:35:49

JC Dobro - Posted - 11/11/2022:  15:52:41

Yeah, thanks, I remember that rundown feature now. It's been a while. So yes, his rig does double duty with lap steel. Interesting he's also made several changes since that interview. Guess he is a tinkerer like many of us.

MarkinSonoma - Posted - 11/11/2022:  15:58:04

I think he is a tinkerer up to a point - he has commented in the past that he is sort of a Guinea pig for new gear.

And I get a distinct feeling that unlike most of us, Jerry doesn't have to pay for it. The companies really hope that he uses all of the stuff that is sent his way. 

resotom - Posted - 11/12/2022:  08:41:52

Many thanks Mark and all who posted replies on this subject.
I noticed that tape was used to mark the precise position on some of the devices.
I did that as well many years ago when I was using Boss products on my pedal steels.
The 'daisey chain' system works only if they are put in the proper order I found out.
Experimenting with these units is part of the learning experience.
I don't think that most of us use the system Jerry has because of the expense and the fact that he gets most of them free from the manufcturers.
How many of you out there use 'daisey chains ' ?

Brian E - Posted - 11/12/2022:  09:56:05

Not really 'daisy chained', but using Insert Loop on preamp(Grace Alix) .


resotom - Posted - 11/15/2022:  09:05:31

Many thanks Brian for posting your rig !
How do you manage to set these up whether on stage or in the studio ?
What amps do you use or what PA system are these connected to ?
My rig consists of a Roland SE-70 effects half rack with a JD Fishman Aurora pedal which goes into three amps..two are Peavey Nashville 400's and one Music Man with a JBL D-130 Speaker in my home studio. All the settings are pre set in this situation ....on the amps and the Aurora as well as the SE-70. I use a plate reverb most of the time but occasionally use a large room setting. Using a three disk CD player, my timing is always right on with the tunes I play along to. Mostly country and Bluegrass with some blues mixed in.. What are you out there concentrating on these days ?

Brian E - Posted - 11/15/2022:  13:03:14

Hey Tom
I use the DI Out (XLR)on the Alix to various band PAs, house systems or recording boards I plug into for stage and studio. Simple to connect.
Alix Amp Out to Udo Roesner DaCapo75(AER w/more watts) amp.
I can carry everything into a venue in one trip, unless I pack a second guitar. Otherwise just guitar, board, and amp.
"What are you out there concentrating on these days ?" Everything. Song by song basis, depending on who I am playing with.
You're using 3 amps? Guessing you're playing pedal steel also(Nashville 400s).

resotom - Posted - 11/16/2022:  13:20:39

Thanks Brian for your input on this subject.
I am 85 years old and id you check my 'blogs' on my home page, you will find that I am too old to carry all that equipment around so I opted for reso guitars now exclusively.
The three amps I use are arranged with two at my back and one in front of me much like a stereo set up back in the day. It's like a 'wall of sound' especially when the plate reverb us used.
I always used two amps on stage, one with a dry effect and one with a chorus type effect on certain tunes. I had a number of daisey chain effect back then such as digital chorus, graphic equalizers, Goodrich Match=Bro, digital delay, super phasor and digital reverb before the SE-70 came along. This was back in the seventies when I played on the Opry package shows, Most of these devices were either Boss or MXR pedals.

JC Dobro - Posted - 11/17/2022:  11:18:11

I pared down my pedal board and simplified quite a bit. This is my current gigging setup. The Baggs Venue has eq, boost, mute, and this saved me some space. I only use the Delay for a few jam-grass solos when we get "out there" on occasion. I fell out of love with reverb and I no longer use it. Since we are a 6-man outfit, there is already a tsunami of sound, and reverb just adds unnecessary noise...LOL.

I go from Venue to house PA (no amps). Seems to work well, and the sound guys seem satisfied.

resotom - Posted - 11/18/2022:  08:57:43

Many thanks Jamey C for your input on this subject !
The plate reverb works best on stage when slow songs are being done.
On fast tunes, this effect is not used for the reasons you posted here.
Sometimes on a slow song, the phasor is used in a very slow sweeping mode.
Its an intriguing mood when used correctly..

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