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Bob78 - Posted - 12/16/2022:  14:05:21

Does anyone know a good place to order a
Bullet nose tone bar?
Also, glass vs. stainless recommendations would be great.
I will be using it on a lap steel.
Had a wrist fusion a few years back and I believe that squeezing the small radius bar might be contributing to the pain I am experiencing.
Thank you, Bob

wlgiii - Posted - 12/16/2022:  15:38:26

You're about 2 hours from Toronto; when is your next trip down there? Stop in at 12th Fret; they have plenty of nice instruments (I've bought from them online) and should have bars to try out.

PS- I use a stainless bullet for lap and console steel. Because of the lack of contours, it takes a different kind of squeezing to use; that may be harder or easier with your wrist.

Bob78 - Posted - 12/17/2022:  06:17:32

Thanks Wayne, I will look i.nto that. Bob

maxmax - Posted - 12/21/2022:  06:05:19

Polymer bars like the Ezzee-slide or Clinesmith are very grip friendly and comfortable. Good luck.

Bob78 - Posted - 12/24/2022:  02:08:21

I have found a glass one that I think will do the job.
It is called "Diamond bottle neck" if anyone is interested. Bob

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