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Resonator Guitar Lovers Online
resotom |
The General Jackson pedal dobro custom made...
2 comments on “Nashville last week...”
resotom Says:
Tuesday, October 11, 2016 @12:53:04 PM
This one is the only one made to change the pitch from the G tuning to a C tuning...
resotom Says:
Tuesday, November 8, 2016 @8:26:16 AM
This reso is a pleasure to play. The action and string spacing along with the roller nut and bridge allows me to speed pick effortlessly. The lever is positioned in such a way as to require some discipline so as not to engage it ...otherwise the strings will be out of tune. It is a very sensitive device and takes practice to keep your wrist in the right position to accomplish this... The tone of this guitar is a cross between a Guernsey, Meredith,Burke, and Beard MA...
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