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Mar 6, 2023 - 12:55:36 PM



75 posts since 1/22/2013

I've watched a lot of "Dobro" videos over the years and today I saw something I had never noticed before. Greg plays a 24 fret Sheerhorn guitar. Is this a one of a kind instrument in that regard?

Mar 6, 2023 - 1:19:56 PM
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4888 posts since 7/27/2008

I'm sure when Greg sees this he can fill you in if I share any inaccuracies.

When Tim Scheerhorn (don't forget the "c")  was actively building, every guitar he made was essentially a custom. In other words if the customer wanted anything out of  the ordinary  they could make requests, and Tim would let them know if it was doable. 

As I recall since Greg had been for decades an accomplished pedal steel player, he wanted an extended fretboard since pedal players often use their bar on the higher frets on the neck. 

Another thing which is interesting about this guitar is that Greg had Tim install the coverplate without a palmrest. 

A photo of Greg a few weeks ago, my wife and I attended a Kathy Kallick Band concert  at The Freight & Salvage Coffeehouse in Berkeley 


Edited by - MarkinSonoma on 03/06/2023 13:23:22

Nov 29, 2023 - 10:47:33 AM

4888 posts since 7/27/2008

Originally posted by shannonbrown

Interesting way playing. Using it more like a percussion rather than stringed.

I'm confused.

Nov 29, 2023 - 12:34:19 PM

449 posts since 1/23/2010

Originally posted by MarkinSonoma
Originally posted by shannonbrown

Interesting way playing. Using it more like a percussion rather than stringed.

I'm confused.

Me too

Nov 29, 2023 - 5:58:16 PM
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1057 posts since 1/10/2009

There are a few other L Bodies with the extended fret board. There is a beautiful quilted maple that caught my eye so I asked about it. When Tim built my guitar it was a $200 option. He has since told me that he got more requests for it but that honestly there are only a few players who really need it. I do go up there with the bar on a few songs like Panhandle Rag but I use it as much or more for striking harmonics as in the opening of Over the Rainbow and the ending of Maiden’s Prayer. The Scheerhorn name plate up there is positioned at the 26th fret or A.


Edited by - AK Slider on 11/29/2023 17:58:55

Nov 29, 2023 - 10:31:56 PM

830 posts since 1/18/2012

Originally posted by chuck hall
Originally posted by MarkinSonoma
Originally posted by shannonbrown

Interesting way playing. Using it more like a percussion rather than stringed.

I'm confused.

Me too

Some sort of AI perhaps.....judging from other non-sequiturs

Edited by - Lounge Primate on 11/29/2023 22:32:52

Dec 20, 2023 - 4:23:38 PM

1419 posts since 1/14/2011

Originally posted by MarkinSonoma

When Tim Scheerhorn (don't forget the "c")  was actively building...

If I had a dollar for every time I've seen this, I could probably buy a Scheerhorn...laugh devilyes

Dec 21, 2023 - 8:12:19 AM
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1508 posts since 9/28/2010

Oh...So that's why my "Sheerhorn" was such a bargain price. And why it doesn't sound so good.

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