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Just considering new saddle[s] for a Deco squareneck biscuit bridge. I've been seeing these Replogle compensated saddles for some time for spiders and now for biscuits.
Mike's info states suitable for std. bottleneck or squareneck.
Has anybody used a comp saddle on a squareneck and if so, why and how did it work?
Seems to me that would have to be a lot more precise work to set up right v. a std. saddle.
Actually, I plan to deal with Beard on this, but just curiousity got me.
From the photos on the website, it appears as if these are designed for a biscuit bridge style guitar. You should probably contact Mike and see what he says.
Originally posted by Brad Bechtelreplogleresos.com/product-cate...pensated/
From the photos on the website, it appears as if these are designed for a biscuit bridge style guitar. You should probably contact Mike and see what he says.
yes, but stewmac has been offering his comp saddles for spider bridge resos for several years. He states they were first used on the JD sign model dobro for better intonation. Just curious if anyone has any experience and can help me understand how compensated saddles on a lap style open tuned played with a bar guitar would improve it.