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Sep 19, 2022 - 1:03:43 AM
6 posts since 9/11/2020

Hi All,

Just wondering what people use as storage for their picks/capo/tone bar?? I'm using an old tin at the minute but it's not ideal really, I know there is the real posh 'slyde compartment' box but it's a bit expensive for me.

Any cheap hacks out here??

Sep 19, 2022 - 5:51:21 AM

449 posts since 1/23/2010

I just popped the rivets out of an old key purse. Has worked perfect for years.

Sep 19, 2022 - 6:16:49 AM



73 posts since 4/15/2022

I bought this case on Amazon $12.99 special made for picks and bar. Holds my Scheerhorn bar, fingerpicks and thumbpick perfectly. Could not ask for more for the price.

Search on Amazon:

Guitar pick holder/guitar slide case, PU leather, can hold picks?guitar slider and various small jewelry, guitar pick tool accessories (case only)

Sep 19, 2022 - 7:29:05 AM

474 posts since 10/14/2009

Small digital camera bag. [2" x 4" or so]

Sep 19, 2022 - 8:04:20 AM
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249 posts since 2/6/2009

I've used a larger prescription bottle most of the time.

Sep 19, 2022 - 9:57:55 AM



393 posts since 5/11/2018

Slyde Compartment. I have 4 of them!

Sep 19, 2022 - 1:51:14 PM

4900 posts since 7/27/2008

Luke, Darren wrote that the Slyde is too expensive (plus he is in the UK so that will drive up the cost) so he's not going to buy one - let alone four of them.wink

William, I did a search on Amazon and came up with the item in the link below. Looks pretty nice for the money - is this the one?  I like it, but what  it's lacking  is an additional compartment for a capo. 

Here is how you copy and paste a link here:  on the toolbar to the right of the smiley emoji guy there is a chain link. After you copy the link on Amazon, get back on the hangout and click on the chain link.  There will be a drop box (URL), paste the link into the box then click on "OK." The link will appear in your post in blue. 


Edited by - MarkinSonoma on 09/19/2022 14:02:54

Sep 19, 2022 - 1:57:27 PM

4900 posts since 7/27/2008

The long link I pasted in the previous post didn't work, let's see if by shortening to a tinyurl if it will fly:

Okay - the shortened version worked! I will go back and delete the earlier long link. 

Edited by - MarkinSonoma on 09/19/2022 14:00:44

Sep 19, 2022 - 4:01:43 PM



47 posts since 5/23/2015

I have found a small canvas change "purse" works great. The one I use is about 3 x 4 with a zipper and it holds bar, picks, capo and tuner!!! Drops into the compartment of my case and easy to keep up with. Also very cheap!!!!!

Sep 19, 2022 - 7:21:23 PM

23 posts since 5/31/2021

I use this to hold a couple of bars, Charlie’s capo, and picks

Plano Pocket Stowaway 5 Compartment Utility Box

It fits under the neck in the case.

Sep 19, 2022 - 7:44:12 PM



1592 posts since 11/9/2010

I use my old eyeglass case.....holds everything

Sep 19, 2022 - 10:17:38 PM

4900 posts since 7/27/2008

Originally posted by Ron Lacey

I use this to hold a couple of bars, Charlie’s capo, and picks

Plano Pocket Stowaway 5 Compartment Utility Box

It fits under the neck in the case.

When you say "under the neck," is this referring to the storage compartment with the door that lifts up - or under the headstock in that storage area? 

I can see where the Plano lure box is a good idea, but what goes under the headstock  in my case is a fairly beefy Bobby Poff strap. What I need is something that fits in the storage compartment. 

Sep 20, 2022 - 5:58:17 AM

23 posts since 5/31/2021

Originally posted by MarkinSonoma
Originally posted by Ron Lacey

I use this to hold a couple of bars, Charlie’s capo, and picks

Plano Pocket Stowaway 5 Compartment Utility Box

It fits under the neck in the case.

When you say "under the neck," is this referring to the storage compartment with the door that lifts up - or under the headstock in that storage area? 

I can see where the Plano lure box is a good idea, but what goes under the headstock  in my case is a fairly beefy Bobby Poff strap. What I need is something that fits in the storage compartment. 

It won't fit in my compartment. I have a Lakota strap that I tuck in around the headstock. 

Sep 20, 2022 - 6:37:16 AM



73 posts since 4/15/2022

quote: That's the one Mark. For $13.00 it does the trick. No capo slot but I don't use one very often. Would love to own a Slyde box but the price is a little  steep for me.
Originally posted by MarkinSonoma

The long link I pasted in the previous post didn't work, let's see if by shortening to a tinyurl if it will fly:

Okay - the shortened version worked! I will go back and delete the earlier long link. 

Sep 20, 2022 - 6:50:06 AM



73 posts since 4/15/2022

That's the one Mark. For $13.00 it does the trick. No capo slot but I don't use one very often. Would love to own a Slyde box but the price is a little steep for me.

Sep 20, 2022 - 8:43:06 AM

111 posts since 4/20/2012

Another option, if you search on Amazon for "Pill Organizers" there are a lot of different sizes and options. Just need to measure your bar/capo and figure out what size would work the best for you.

Sep 22, 2022 - 9:03:16 AM
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1420 posts since 1/14/2011

I have several of these small leather pouches...they hold capo, bar, and picks and fits easily in a guitar case storage compartment. I have one of these in each of the glove compartments of my cars in case I need to try somebody's axe on the spur of the moment.

Sep 23, 2022 - 4:31:05 AM



393 posts since 5/11/2018

Originally posted by MarkinSonoma

Luke, Darren wrote that the Slyde is too expensive (plus he is in the UK so that will drive up the cost) so he's not going to buy one - let alone four of them.wink

William, I did a search on Amazon and came up with the item in the link below. Looks pretty nice for the money - is this the one?  I like it, but what  it's lacking  is an additional compartment for a capo. 

Here is how you copy and paste a link here:  on the toolbar to the right of the smiley emoji guy there is a chain link. After you copy the link on Amazon, get back on the hangout and click on the chain link.  There will be a drop box (URL), paste the link into the box then click on "OK." The link will appear in your post in blue. 


I know he said they're expensive, but in the future it's definitely worth it. For me, keeping my slide, capo, can picks in a pouch results in scratched picks and slide, which is not a good thing. And I'd much rather spend a couple extra dollars and get something from Jerret, a good friend of mine, than Amazon. Just my 2c anyway smiley

Sep 23, 2022 - 7:53:46 AM



694 posts since 9/29/2008

I do it the old fashion way... I STICK BAR AND PICKS IN MY POCKET when I go out to gig. Lee

Sep 23, 2022 - 11:16:56 AM

4900 posts since 7/27/2008

Originally posted by leegee

I do it the old fashion way... I STICK BAR AND PICKS IN MY POCKET when I go out to gig. Lee

Kudos to you Lee for having your act together better than I do. 

If I made a habit of keeping these items in my pocket, before long I'd reach in there only to find a BlueChip thumbpick has gone missing and now I'm out forty buck plus shipping to replace it. 

Sep 23, 2022 - 12:36:43 PM



1508 posts since 9/28/2010

I've tried just using my pocket but my finger picks get bent out of shape. Tips on working around that appreciated.

Sep 23, 2022 - 5:00:47 PM



694 posts since 9/29/2008

Well Fellas..... I've been putting them in my pocket for nye on 75 years.... never lost a thumb pick or bent any finger picks.....When I leave the house to go play I pat my pockets and I know I've got my picks and bar.... OH Well modern day conveniences..... Ha Ha..... Ya all keep picking and grinnin... Lee

Sep 24, 2022 - 2:52:29 PM



27 posts since 3/28/2022

Originally posted by wlgiii

I've tried just using my pocket but my finger picks get bent out of shape. Tips on working around that appreciated.

Don't put them in your jeans back pocket and then sitting on them  ??

Sep 24, 2022 - 3:19:54 PM



694 posts since 9/29/2008

MAN.... you got me for losing a $50 dollar thumb pick... been using the ones that use to cost me 45 cents....I guess you cant TEACH AND OLD DOG NEW TRICKS..(ME) Lee

Sep 24, 2022 - 4:28:58 PM

4900 posts since 7/27/2008

Originally posted by LukeL
Originally posted by MarkinSonoma

Luke, Darren wrote that the Slyde is too expensive (plus he is in the UK so that will drive up the cost) so he's not going to buy one - let alone four of them.wink


I know he said they're expensive, but in the future it's definitely worth it. For me, keeping my slide, capo, can picks in a pouch results in scratched picks and slide, which is not a good thing. And I'd much rather spend a couple extra dollars and get something from Jerret, a good friend of mine, than





Amazon. Just my 2c anyway smiley

Luke, I have yet to order a Slyde box from Jerret, but I have come close in the past and there may still be one in my future. They are a beautiful piece of work. 

Uhhh...."a couple more dollars?"

You actually wrote that? wink

I think his standard walnut box goes for $120 these days. The workmanship that goes into his box warrants the price, but that is many times more than other solutions mentioned in the thread. Definitely the "Tim-built Scheerhorn" of pick and bar storage. 

You made a good point about using something like a pouch - one definitely needs separate compartments, no matter which way you go, even if it's a small Plano lure box. The high end bars from the handful of craftsmen who produce them nowadays can run in the $100 range, so it's a bad idea to put everything into a pouch (or in one's pocket) that doesn't have separations to prevent scratching. 

I used to have a soft sided pouch from Baggalini with separations that I used for years but it was one of the items that was stolen when my car was broken into four years ago and a scumbag made off with a lot of my gear. I haven't been able to find anything to replace it, the company discontinued the item. 

Again, I might still order a Slyde, but since I haven't played out anywhere in quite some time I just haven't gotten around to it.  

Edited by - MarkinSonoma on 09/24/2022 16:37:21

Sep 27, 2022 - 4:01:03 PM

1420 posts since 1/14/2011

Originally posted by MarkinSonoma

For me, keeping my slide, capo, can picks in a pouch results in scratched picks and slide, which is not a good thing.

Interesting...I put my slide in my pouch first, polished side down against the leather, so that it never gets scratched. Then the capo and picks on top of that, and who GAF if they get scratched? frown

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