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Still at it after 67 years.

Posted by resotom on Monday, February 17, 2020

I can still remember the first time I bought a Dobro on March 15, 1953. So many years have gone by since that day with shows, recordings etc along the way. I am 83 years old now and still playing every week at the studio with singer Jim Melvin who was in a movie with Elvis Presley and Ann Margaret entitles Viva Las Vegas. He was in several scenes as a guitarist and we have been playing with him for aver 25 years. We built a recording studio some 20 years ago and it is completely decked out with everything we need to record with. Very expensive mikes, recorders both analog and digital, drums, overhead mike stands, cordless head phones, glassed in control room, large rehearsal area etc, etc . We don't play out as often as we like to but still enjoy the weekly get together at the studio in his home. I started out playing pedal steel there in 1995 and actually helped in the construction of this facility. After about 2012, I switched to playing resos there because the steel guitars were getting too cumbersome to lug around all the time. Now I have five custom resos to play with in my old age . It's been a fun journey all this time and I hope to continue to do this as long as my health holds out.  

1 comment on “Still at it after 67 years.”

resotom Says:
Monday, February 17, 2020 @9:26:26 AM

I may add.. I took my two custom built pedal steels back to Nashville and gave them to the Jackson Steel Guitar Company where they were first built for me back in the '70's. Harry Jackson, son of legendary 'Shot" Jackson built them for me then, so I had him build me a pedal dobro called a 'SlideKing Custom" which is one of the ones I use in the studio. It has a Quarterman cone in it and a K&K mike installed under the cone along with a K&K pre-amp that I use with a JD Fishman Aura imaging device to go into the board at the studio. At my home studio, I use this with a Roland SE-70 effect half rack which goes into three amps: two Peavey Session 400's and a Music Man modified with a JBL D-130 Speaker.

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