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This gets confusing...

Posted by resotom on Wednesday, June 17, 2020

All these years..(68 !) and I still hear different resos and the sound of them makes me wonder...have I found the sound I am always searching for...

Out of this..I have determined that the 'secret' lies somewhere between my actual playing technique and 'The Cone" !

I like the traditional sound as well as the modern sound in a reso. But as the years go by, I am inclined to prefer a more 'modern' sound since the cone to me is what produces what I like .

I know there are so many variables I could discuss, but the time has come to go with my instinct. My Appy reso is the best sounding of my five resos. I had it built in 2014 by Tom Warner with a 'Legend' cone at in the studio with ear phones going through the board, it surpasses all my expectations. It ia a curly maple guitar and along with the other four resos that I use in the studio, I am still at it after all this time.  

1 comment on “This gets confusing...”

Dogwood Says:
Friday, October 16, 2020 @11:32:26 AM

I am new to the dobro square neck instrument, my goal is to develop some bluegrass stuff. Love the sound. In my past I have had several reso guitars, I had 1930 National Style O, and several low end reso round neck guitars, one biscut bridge, two spider bridge set ups. They all had a different sounds. When the pandemic hit, I needed something to keep me busy, and since I had been attending bluegrass jams a lot, and rarely heard a dobro at any of the jams I decided to look into getting one.

I had heard that reso guitars with cones produced by Paul Beard where superior sounding. So I purchased a Paul Beard Art Deco Phonic model 27, the low end model, I was quite surprised and very pleased with the sound! It was the sound I wanted. I'm still working on learning the Dobro with that bluegrass sound, it is fun.

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