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The keys to a successful sound..

Posted by resotom on Sunday, April 26, 2015

Over the course of six decades, I have tried every concievable way of establishing a sound I have in my head. Every sound modifier that I have used was to enhance this notion. Now I have come up with a solution that works for me. In the G tuning on a resonator guitar, listen to the B and D top strings without anything getting in the way. Now dial in your mic or amp to get the exact sound. Now set up the JD Aura pedal the same way and VIOLA !! now you have it ! This  comes from years of trial and error while playing pedal steel and is now used to get the sound I want for all of my resos...whether they are mic'd or amplified.I have used this technique while on stage or in the studio and have come away with the desired results. Some minor adjustments on the Aura pedal might be necessary and your ears might change with the weather as well as the humidity and temperature in the room or auditorium you are going to perform in. I hope this article will help you in your quest for the sound you are looking for. Other things such as strings,bars,picks,mics and pick-ups will come into this equation. You have to tell your sound man what you want to hear in any sound check because his ears are quite different than yours. Really, all you need is the Aura pedal to achieve all of this...  

2 comments on “The keys to a successful sound..”

resotom Says:
Sunday, April 26, 2015 @9:14:50 AM

Please e=mail me if you have any comments or questions on this blog...or...any of my blogs in my blog archives.. or leave a message here on my homepage...

resotom Says:
Sunday, April 26, 2015 @2:37:11 PM

Dial in your sound with the Aura pedal in the off position. Find your sound then activate the pedal and you will notice the change based on the settings you made on the pedal..

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